Here are the last few photos from the trip. I'll be adding some audio and video in the next several days. Also, if you want to enlarge any photo, just click on it.
Church of St. Elizabeth
Church of St. Elizabeth
Bananagrams, anyone?
Church of St. Elizabeth-- just a few of the many stairs we climbed
Church of St. Elizabeth
One of us came home with leprosy
Font at Church of St John the Baptist
We formed a close community
Ok, I understand why you'd want to be quiet and not have guns at a holy site. But just why is it that you aren't supposed to wear underwear?
Stigmata from the Dead Sea
Colleen negotiating with a cloth merchant
Farewell dinner
Farewell dinner
Another beer commercial. Love the Taybeh Beer!
Farewell dinner with Orion, our fearless leader.
Mark, thanking Orion at the farewell dinner
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